

如果是紧急情况, and you or a friend needs help right now – Call: 713-313-7000 – If you are on campus 911 -如果你在校外

If it is not an emergency and is after hours, you can call 713-313-7863.

自杀 is the act of deliberately taking one’s own life. It is the second leading cause of death among college students today. Most people who show suicidal behaviors don’t actually want to die. They just can’t see any other relief from painful thoughts or feelings. Almost all people who die by suicide are suffering from an emotional disorder, 最常见的抑郁症. Other emotional problems — such as anxiety disorders, 双相情感障碍, 药物滥用, psychotic disorders or eating disorders — can increase the risk for suicide, 太. Identifying and treating these mental health conditions is especially important because sufferers may be more likely to attempt suicide in the wake of a stressful event such as a death, 关系困难, 或者考试不及格.

Many students who die by suicide have given warnings of their intentions to family and friends. Most suicidal people are undecided about living or dying. 一部分人想活下去. Another part feels trapped or hopeless. They sometimes gamble with death — talking about or attempting suicide in a way that leaves room for other people to save them. 有人称之为“呼救”.” That’s why understanding the warning signs, 并迅速采取行动寻求帮助, is so crucial in suicide prevention. 还有希望. People who are suicidal can be helped with the proper treatment.


更多的时候不是, individuals who are contemplating suicide will give some warning of their intentions to a friend or family member. All suicide threats, gestures, and attempts must be taken seriously. Here are some warning signs that a person may be at risk for suicide:

  • 绝望
  • Rage, uncontrolled anger, or seeking revenge
  • Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities, seemingly without thinking.
  • Feeling trapped or like there’s no way out
  • 酗酒或吸毒增加
  • Withdrawing from friends, family, and society
  • Anxiety, agitation, unable to sleep or sleeping all the time
  • 戏剧性的情绪变化
  • Expressing no reason for living or no sense of purpose in life
  • 有过自杀企图


713-313-7000 – If you are on campus

911 -如果你在校外

If it is not an emergency and is after hours, you can call 713-313-7863.

The UCC can assist students by helping the identify and addressing the underlying causes that may have brought on the suicidal thoughts. Please know that you are not alone. UCC在这里提供帮助.

*改编自 http://www.ulifeline.org/tsu/topics/130-suicidal-behavior